如何在线获得学位|在线学习的好处 & 常见问题


虽然远程教育已经存在了几十年, 近年来,在线学位课程变得越来越流行.

Students exploring online programs often have important questions about the pros and cons of online study as they weigh their options.

Learn more about the benefits of studying online and get answers to common questions about class formats, 评估, 完成学位的时间.


Earning a degree online has several key benefits when compared with traditional in-person learning. 

Traveling to campus and attending in-person classes can be difficult for non-traditional students who may have full-time jobs or families to care for. Online study can accommodate the needs of a wider range of students and enable flexible scheduling. The ability to study at any time and place allows online students to earn a degree more efficiently.

Studies show that bachelor’s degrees offer the same job security and long-term income regardless of whether the degree was earned in person or online.


Earning a degree online can help you reach your goals, here are the steps to follow.


The first step to earning a degree online is deciding what degree you’d like to earn. Consider your career goals and what degree would be best to reach those goals.


Find a college or university that offers an online degree in your area of interest. 最好从认可的机构获得学位.

3 .涂抹 & 开始注册流程

After you’ve chosen the school, start the application and enrollment process. 应用ing for an online degree program often involves submitting an online application, 高中或大学成绩单, 有时是一篇文章.


Once you’ve enrolled in your online degree program, complete all of the course requirements.

第五步:毕业 & 开始你的职业生涯

完成学位要求后, you can celebrate gaining an important qualification and start your career.




在网上获得学位可以在很多方面省钱. Online students do not have costs associated with commuting and living on campus. Online degrees often have a lower rate of tuition than in-person degree programs. 

在十大赌博网站, online tuition costs $400 per credit hour. 这可以通过申请减少 金融援助. 事实上, some online students may be eligible to earn their degree for free thanks to federal and state grants!


Online degrees typically take less time to complete than a traditional degree. Students can enroll in accelerated classes or take more credits to complete their degree quicker. PBA的在线课程只持续八周, 让学生通过课程有效地进步.

转移学分, 证书, 许可证, and even work experience can be applied toward the credits needed to graduate.


在线课程是为工作繁忙的学生设计的. Classes do not have a set time so students can study at any time that fits their schedule, 从任何地方. 

Online classes give students the flexibility needed to balance other commitments while having access to the same academic support as in person students. 

在线学位的评估将根据课程的不同而有所不同, but exams are often completed online through an approved assessment platform.


Studying in an online format provides a unique opportunity for students to study exactly how they want to. 无论你是喜欢在家里安静地工作,还是在咖啡馆惬意地工作, 选择权完全在你.


Online students have the same access to academic and career support services as in-person students. These services provide students with mentorship opportunities and interview experience.

Many universities offer online tutoring support for students earning a degree online to ensure they have everything they need to succeed.


在网上获得学位需要出色的时间管理. Students will learn to be committed to their goals and practice internal motivation.


Earning a degree online can help you reach your career goals and qualify you for leadership positions. 无论你是在学习商业, 心理学, 或护理, earning an online degree will show employers that you are dedicated to reaching your goals.



十大赌博网站提供 在线学位 在本科和研究生阶段. Contact us to learn more about these exciting programs and get started today.

相同的任务. 相同的质量. 相同的程度.

Each course for PBA在线 is developed by the best of our faculty and undergoes a thorough and strategic process to ensure that you are experiencing the same quality content as our residential students. Our goal is that you not only gain knowledge but also master the art of making meaningful connections. 这种全面的教育方法确保你的学习是面向未来的, 为你准备一个充满活力和不断发展的世界.



Online bachelor’s degrees are designed to meet the same standards as their in-person equivalent. A degree in an online format will be the same level of difficulty as the same degree in a traditional format. 

The perceived difficulty of an online bachelor’s degree will vary based on each student’s educational background and unique skills and interests. It is typical for students to experience some level of difficulty at some point in a college degree but these experiences are often crucial to learning and development. 选择一个有实力的在线课程 学生支援服务 will ensure that students get the help they need at each step of the learning process.

Choose a program that offers accelerated courses and accepts transfer credits. 在十大赌博网站, 在线课程可在8周内完成, 让学生快速有效地学习, 往往缩短毕业的时间.

是的,免费获得在线学位是可能的! 在十大赌博网站, some Florida residents may be able to completely cover the cost of tuition with state and federal grants. Online students can still apply for 金融援助 to lower the cost of their degree.


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